LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION FOR ADMISSION TO THE ICFA'95 SCHOOL INSTRUMENTATION IN ELEMENTARY PARTICLE PHYSICS Ljubljana, Slovenia July 3 - 15, 1995 NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE RECOMMENDING PERSON Phone: Fax: Telex: E-mail: NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE APPLICANT (FOR ADMISSION TO THE SCHOOL) Phone: Fax: Telex: E-mail: PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND OF THE RECOMMENDING PERSON (Please describe the natue of your academic activities briefly) How long have you known the applicant: (years) In what capacity have you known the applicant: Undergraduate student Postgraduates student Research student Other (please specify) How well you know the applicant: Quite well Fairly well Not so well In your opinion, how well the applicant will benefit from attending the School for his current academic activities: Quite well Fairly well Not so well Please describe briefly the nature of the applicant's research activities ASSESSMENT OF THE APPLICANT's ABILITIES (Please check only those abilities about which you have direct knowledge) Very Good Good Average General intelligence Knowledge of physics Knowledge of particle detectors Knowledge of data acquisition systems Knowledge about computers Proficiency in English language Experimental skill HOW STRONGLY DO YOU RECOMMEND THE STUDENT FOR ADMISSION Very strongly Strongly Not so strongly Place: Date: (Signature) ---------------------------------------------------- *Please FAX, AIRMAIL or EMAIL (ask for confirmation) this recommendation to: Prof. Peter Krizan, J. Stefan Institute, p.p. 100, Jamova 39, 61111 Ljubljana, Slovenia Phone: +386-61-12-59-199 Fax: +386-61-12-57-074 E-mail: peter.krizan@ijs.si