Next: Introduction to LEAP'94

Third Biennial Conference on Low-Energy Antiproton Physics
September 12-17, 1994
Bled, Slovenia
Organized by
University of Ljubljana
Jozef Stefan Institute
Ljubljana, Slovenia

1 Introduction to LEAP'94 1
2 Conference Programme 2
2.1 LEAP'94 Committees 2
2.2 LEAP'94 Topics 3
2.3 Industrial Exhibition 3
2.4 Nikolaus Hamann Prize 3
2.5 Proceedings 3
2.6 Programme Outline 4
3 Conference Fee 9
3.1 Cancellation Policy 9
4 Social Activities 10
4.1 Social Programme 10
4.2 Accompanying Persons Programme 11
5 General Information 12
5.1 Location of Bled 12
5.2 Arriving in Bled by Air 14
5.3 Currency 15
5.4 Visas 15
5.5 Communication, Computer access 15
5.6 WWW Information 15
Sun Sep 11 15:45:53 METDST 1994