Low mass cables   for ATLAS SCT detector

Due to the requirement to have minimum scattering  in SCT detector (see  material estimate ), aluminium was chosen as a conductor. It has 4 times better conductivity than copper at same scattering length.  Low mass cables will supply  modules with all necessary supply  voltages for chip and detector operation.  It is foreseen to have one low mass cable per module.  Cables will be custom made by photolitography of aluminum on kapton substrate.  Since they are made on 30 cm wide tape process, their design should allow large surface yield.  Short interface piece is foreseen to connect hybrid, optoboard and low mass tape Present design of the low mass tape for the system test is available also in  PS  format):

Definition of cable for system test - 06 May 1998


 Connectors: there will be one connector per each layer of the cable.  MOLEX  FFC  zero insertion force 52207 with 17pins will be used.  Also other ( ELCO ) connectors are being investigated.

Patch panels: There are two patch panels for low mass tapes. Thickness of Al conductor changes from 50 microns to 100 microns at PP1. PP1 is a support for a thicker tape, ZIF connectors will be soldered (surface mounted) to the ends of gold plated thicker Al tapes. PP2 makes a transition from low mass to conventional cable, therefore it should have a connector for low mass tape (like MOLEX ZIF 52207) and a connector for conventional cable. Patch panel with voltage limiter used in system test uses CANNON, DBC-25 as a temporary solution.

For more information contact   Vladimir Cindro .