Kinematical Distributions
Kinematical distributions at 172 and 184 GeV
Kinematical distributions for 172 E
(gzipped PS)
Upper limit on the cross-section with 90% c.l. for cscs and cstn @ 172GeV (gzipped PS)
Data/background kinematical distributions for cscs channel @ 184GeV (gzipped PS)
Smoothed signal/background distributions for cscs channel @ 184GeV (gzipped PS)
Data/background kinematical distributions for cstn channel @ 184GeV (gzipped PS)
Smoothed signal/background distributions for cstn channel @ 184GeV (gzipped PS)
MC scaling check against data for reconstructed dijet mass for cscs and cstn @ 184GeV (gzipped PS)
Upper limit on the cross-section with 95% c.l. for cscs and cstn @ 184GeV (gzipped PS)
184GeV - NEW preselection for cstn with cut on p
Data/background kinematical distributions for cscs channel @ 184GeV (gzipped PS)
Data/background kinematical distributions for cstn channel @ 184GeV (gzipped PS)
Upper limit on the cross-section with 95% c.l. for cstn channel @ 184GeV (gzipped PS)