Charged Higgs boson Work Page
Current work
Higgs and SSM references
PYTHIA cross-sections for charged Higgses at different CMS and m(H)
Distributions of kinematical quantities at 172 and 184 GeV (Internal, 22.4.1998)
Search for charged Higgs bosons using flavour tagging
(DELPHI Week, Santander, 23.9.1997) 88Kb gzipped PostScript
Iskanje nabitih Higgsovih bozonov na trkalniku LEP2
(Ljubljana, 19.12.1997) 150Kb gzipped PostScript
Search for H
in 183GeV data - Status report
(Analysis Week 21.4.1998) 111Kb gzipped PostScript
Search for H
in 183GeV data - Status report
(Internal presentation, Sep. 1998) 210Kb, gzipped PostScript
Updated: April 24
, 1998